Wednesday, March 17, 2010


From Mary Lampros

Hey ladies, now that outside has thawed and kids are out on the sidewalks again, let's get playgroup started back up! Mindie Butterfield and I are happy to help organize but would love any help or suggestions on where to go, what to do, how often you want to meet, what time is best for you, etc. (Just leave your comment) Since the weather is nice enough, why don't we meet this Friday at the big park by the lake at 10:30am (the one with playground equipment, basketball, beach, etc.)? We'd love to see you and your little ones there!


  1. I would love to come but work every Friday. Would you ever consider doing it on a different day?

  2. Sure thing. We're trying to figure out a different day/time. We'll let you know!
