Saturday, January 22, 2011

Do any of you really want to go out with your husband more often but can't afford a babysitter every week? Um, yeah, me too. So, the solution is a date night babysitting swap. This is basically how it works. We will pair up in groups of four families based on number of kids and needs (we don't want the groups to be too big). You will babysit one Friday or Saturday night a month and you get to go out the other three weeks. It can be a fun movie night for the kids....AND you get to go out with your husband THREE weekends a month. :) There might also be a group doing only every other week if that's more appealing to you. Call me at 801-253-4812 or email if you are interested or if you have additional questions about how this is going to work. I will also consider suggestions. Let's get this going for February!

Kristin Brandt

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