From Kira Cook:
Square Foot Gardening 101
Being able to reach out of the window and touch your neighbor is great
for unity but horrible for any hopes of gardening. That's why
I'm going to be taking a class down at Thanksgiving Point on either
April 19th or May 10th to learn the simple system of Square foot
gardening. The class is $25 and it's from 6-8:30pm. The class includes
the background of SFG, advantages over other methods, explains how to
save 80% more in space, water and work. It also teaches location,
construction, perfect soils, planting seasons, vertical gardening,
3-season harvesting, and out of season gardening. If anyone is
interested taking the class with me. Let me know and I can sign us up
and we can all go together:)
Kira Cook